Moonlight Quilters of Sonoma County Welcomes You!
We are a 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to preserving and sharing the art of quiltmaking through education, outreach and community service. Membership is open to anyone who has an interest in quilts.
Members enjoy the following benefits...
Refreshments at all meetings
A newsletter filled with important guild information
A supportive and encouraging environment
Inspiration through sharing in-progress and completed projects
Current information on quilt-related topics
Discounts at some of our affiliate members
A large lending library with current quilt-related books and magazines
Friendship and fellowship
We meet at 7:00 p.m. at the Veteran’s Memorial Building, 1351 Maple Avenue, Santa Rosa, CA, on the first and third Wednesday of each month, except in July and August when only one meeting is held.
The first meeting of each month is a Business Meeting giving everyone an opportunity to participate in Committee reports, learn about quilting, hear from an affiliate sponsor, draw names for the Block of the Month, enjoy the Moonlight Quilter of the Month and share their latest projects during Show and Tell.
The second meeting of each month is a Program Meeting dedicated to education via a demonstration, a hands-on workshop, and/or a presentation by an accomplished quilt teacher. There is a guest fee of $5 for Program Meetings with speakers.
Several traditional events occur each year. In April we host a Spring Fundraiser, in September, we have an Installation Potluck, and in December, there is a Holiday Potluck Party. ​​
Sept 4
Business Meeting
Installation Potluck
In person - Vets
Sept 18
Program Meeting
Jenny Lyon
Tippy Top Tips for Joyful and Successful Free Motion Quilting
Sept 21
Zoom Workshop
Jenny Lyon
Easy and Fabulous Straight Line Ruler Work
Oct 2
Business Meeting
In person - Vets
Oct 6-9
Guild Retreat
Camp Newman
Saturday, Oct 12, 10-4
Fabric Sale, Boutique & Raffle Baskets
Oct 16
Program Meeting
In person - Vets
Audrey Giroux, Trina Jahnsen, & Others!​
Playing with Color - A Hands on Collaboration Activity